Fernao Magalhaes, Porto
The property
2019 | T0 x 4 + T1 + T2 | 336 m2 | Sold
The empty plot, expectant for decades, was located in an heterogeneous sequence of buildings from different periods. A residential block providing a typological variety should take the maximum buildable volume.
An unclear system of elongated concrete columns that is repeated on every level was proposed. The placement of these vertical elements allowed the combination of apartments in different typologies, maintaining their physical coherence, while creating a hierarchy of rooms and circulations spaces. Opposite elements in the space have a different materiality: the grey texture of columns and the intense blue of the plywood doors are very present within the general whiteness of walls and ceilings. The almost unnoticeable geometry of joints on the continuous terrazzo floor brings in a certain complexity to the reading of the space, connecting together all the fragments.
The building has five levels and aligns its height to the neighbour block. The street facade and the back one share the same language, same set of elements and textures. The square window with a concrete lintel on top, the blue shading, the pipe, surfaces of white tiles and white plaster. Both facades are modest in their expression with the same window being repeated on every level with small shifts breaking the rigidity. The marble slab marks the entrance, the tiles surface provides a sense of continuity, the playful blue shading makes it less serious. The uneven black marble plinth detaches the building the street, creating the alignment with a small neighbour house.
T0 (A), Ground - 59 m2
T1 (B), 1st Floor - 71 m2
T0 (C), 2nd Floor - 32 m2
T0 (D), 2nd Floor - 36 m2
T0 (E), 3rd Floor - 32 m2
T2 (F), 3rd /4th Floor - 106 m2
Floor Plan:
- Ground
- 1st Floor
- 2nd Floor
- 3rd Floor
- 4th Floor
- Ground
- 1st Floor
- 2nd Floor
- 3rd Floor
- 4th Floor
Private Garden
Fully Equipped Kitchen
USB Sockets
Air Conditioning
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